I am currently a Professor of Psychology at Seattle Pacific University. I received my Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Notre Dame in 2010, and my B.A. in Psychology from Calvin College in 2004.
Undergraduate courses that I regularly teach include Cross-Cultural Psychology, Counseling Theory & Practice, Topical Seminar in Asian American Psychology, and Advanced Research Methods in Cross-Cultural Psychology. I have experience teaching in both U.S. and Korean higher education settings.
A recent area of scholarly interest is effective pedagogy around cross-cultural themes and topics in psychology, especially from a faith-based perspective. I also have interests in cultural, interpersonal, and individual factors that impact psychological outcomes such as well-being and attitudes toward seeking mental health help. I currently serve in three editorial boards (The Counseling Psychologist, Asian American Journal of Psychology, and Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology). I am also a regular contributor to the Psychology Today and Christian Scholar’s Review blogs.
I am currently working on a book titled Cross-Cultural Psychology in Christian Perspective (tentative title) to be published by Baker Academic.
Invited Presentations / Workshops
Podcast interview for Korea Deconstructed – 2022, December
Kim, P. Y. Cross-cultural psychology and Korean behavior.
Invited virtual session for graduate students and faculty at Seattle Pacific University – 2022, May
Kim, P. Y. Managing the emotional aspects of writing.
Western Psychological Association Convention, Portland, Oregon –
2022, April
Kim, P. Y. Invited discussant for symposium, “The on-and-off-again of facemask in the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Invited virtual session for MK Online Career Guide in Seoul, South Korea – 2021, August
Kim, P. Y. Professional counseling as a career.
Led virtual workshop for Lifeway Community Church in Austin, Texas – 2021, May
Kim, P. Y. Anti-Asian racism: What is it, and what can we do?
Led virtual workshop for Mental Health Initiative at University of British Columbia – 2021, May
Kim, P. Y. Asian cultural values, model minority stereotype, and racial microaggressions: Implications for mental health of Asians and Asian Americans.
Led virtual workshop for Student Finance Services at Seattle Pacific University – 2021, May
Kim, P. Y. Racial microaggressions: What are they, and what can we do?
Invited virtual presentation for the Asian American Student Association at Seattle Pacific University – 2021, May
Kim, P. Y. Responding to anti-Asian racism: How Asian cultural values might help and hurt.
Invited virtual presentation for the Counseling Center staff at Seattle Pacific University – 2021, May
Kim, P. Y. Asian cultural values, model minority stereotype, and racial microaggressions: Implications for effective practice with Asians and Asian Americans.
Invited virtual presentation for Professional Development Conference for K–12 Educators, Seattle, Washington – 2021, March
Kim, P. Y. Model minority stereotype and racial microaggressions: Implications for effective practice with Asian Americans.
Invited virtual presentation for college ministry of New Life Fellowship, Bothell, Washington – 2021, January
Kim, P. Y. Social Justice and the Asian American Church.
Invited talk for Asian American Affinity Group at Seattle Pacific University – 2020
Kim, P. Y. Racial microaggressions impacting Asian Americans.
Invited talk for Equipping Parents Seminar at New Life Fellowship – 2020
Kim, P. Y. “I wish I had lighter skin”: Talking to your kids about race and ethnicity.
Invited talk for school teachers in Angeles City, Philippines – 2019
Kim, P. Y. Smartphone addiction.
Invited talk for First Fridays Colloquium Series at Seattle Pacific University – 2019
Kim, P. Y. Racial microaggressions.
Invited talk for missionary kids residing in Paul Missions MK Guest House. Seoul, South Korea – 2018
Kim, P. Y. Living as missionary kids in South Korea.
Invited talk for high school students enrolled in Faith Academy. Manila, Philippines – 2018
Kim, P. Y. Transitioning from high school as missionary kids.
Participated in a panel of American professionals speaking to high school students enrolled in Faith Academy. Manila, Philippines – 2018
Kim, P. Y.
Presented at an event hosted by Huskies for Suicide Prevention and Awareness at the University of Washington – 2018
Kim, P. Y. AAPI mental health/suicide awareness panel.
Presented for the Creative Conversations series at Seattle Pacific University – 2018
Kim, P. Y., & Moh, S. Racial microaggressions in faith-based contexts.
Invited talk for missionary kids attending a mission conference in Tijuana, Mexico – 2017
Kim, P. Y. How to communicate with your missionary parents.
Invited lecture for Cheonan Family Counseling Center. Cheonan, South Korea – 2016
Kim, P. Y. Multicultural counseling: Theory & practice.
Invited talk for missionary kids residing in Paul Missions MK Guest House. Seoul, South Korea – 2016
Kim, P. Y. Thriving as missionary kids.
Research presentation for Psychology Department’s Colloquium. Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea – 2016
Kim, P. Y. Professional help-seeking attitudes among Asian Americans: Intrapersonal, interpersonal,
and sociocultural considerations.
Presented on interdependence and implications for teaching Korean students to teachers at Fernwood Elementary School, Bothell, Washington – 2016
Kim, P. Y.
Presented data on racial microaggressions and well-being to the Multiethnic Programs staff at Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, Washington – 2016
Kim, P. Y.
Participated in a faculty panel to discuss adjustment to life in the United States as international students at Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, Washington – 2015
Kim, P. Y.
Conducted workshop for a John Perkins Center conference in Seattle, Washington – 2015
Kim, P. Y., & Cheon, H. Mental health disparities: What are they, and what can we do about them?
Invited lecture at a missionary kids’ conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina – 2013
Kim, P. Y. Identity models among Korean missionary kids.
Conducted workshop in Seoul, South Korea – 2012
Kim, P. Y. Ethnic identity development in Korean missionary kids.
Presenter for the Office of Student Life staff at Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, Washington – 2011
Kim, P. Y. White racial identity development.
Co-presenter in an afternoon seminar at the SPU Day of Common Learning, Seattle, Washington – 2010
Kim, P. Y. Missionary kids: Examining their place in global Christianity.
Participated in a forum at the Global Missionary Foundation teacher training, Daejon, South Korea – 2008
Kim, P. Y., & Cho, S. S. Dissecting the experiences of a missionary kid: two perspectives.
Workshop presented at the MK Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia – 2007
Kim, P. Y. Getting into colleges in the United States.
Presentation to Korean community leaders at Hansa Research Institute, Skokie, IL – 2007
Kim, P. Y. Social influences on willingness to see a professional counselor among Asian American Students.
Workshop presented at the Galilee United Methodist Church, Glenview, Illinois – 2007
Kim, P. Y., & Surla, C. Getting into colleges in the United States.
Workshop at Grace Church, Wheeling, Illinois. – 2006
Kim, P. Y. Attitudes toward mental illness among Korean American students.
Workshop at New Life Church, Palatine, Illinois – 2005
Kim, P. Y. Emotion regulation among Korean American adolescents & attitudes toward mental illness among Korean American adolescents.
Other Community Presentations / Workshops / Classes
Co-facilitated a 5-week youth parents’ program at New Life Fellowship – 2022, January – February
Topics: Listening well, mental health, gender and sexuality, and family conversations.
Presenter at the SPU in One Room series – 2022, March 28
Session titled “Microaggressions: What are they, and why are they harmful?”
Participated as a panel member for a session at Seattle Pacific University – 2021, February 24
“Accomplishing Scholarship Goals at a Teaching Institution”
Participated as a panel member for a session at Seattle Pacific University – 2021, April 29
“#StopAAPIHate: Confronting Anti-Asian Racism”
Planned and facilitated a session at the 2017 SPU’s Day of Common Learning
Co-presenter: Munyi Shea
“From the intrapersonal to the contextual: A social constructionist view on professional help-seeking attitudes and behaviors”
Participated in a faculty panel on the experiences of the model minority myth – 2017
Panelists: David Leong and June Hyun.
Planned and facilitated a panel session at the 2015 SPU’s
Day of Common Learning
Panelists: Hee-Sun Cheon, Susan Okamoto Lane, Roger Lin, and Billy Vo
“Seeing injustice if we are willing to look: The cost to Asian Americans as well as to our community when others are viewed as the model minority”
Taught a summer course for New Life University, a church program for New Life Fellowship/Community Church of Seattle
“Psychology from a Christian perspective”