I am currently a Professor of Psychology at Seattle Pacific University. I received my Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Notre Dame in 2010, and my B.A. in Psychology from Calvin College in 2004.
Undergraduate courses that I regularly teach include Cross-Cultural Psychology, Counseling Theory & Practice, Topical Seminar in Asian American Psychology, and Advanced Research Methods in Cross-Cultural Psychology. I have experience teaching in both U.S. and Korean higher education settings.
A recent area of scholarly interest is effective pedagogy around cross-cultural themes and topics in psychology, especially from a faith-based perspective. I also have interests in cultural, interpersonal, and individual factors that impact psychological outcomes such as well-being and attitudes toward seeking mental health help. I currently serve in three editorial boards (The Counseling Psychologist, Asian American Journal of Psychology, and Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology). I am also a regular contributor to the Psychology Today and Christian Scholar’s Review blogs.
I am currently working on a book titled Cross-Cultural Psychology in Christian Perspective (tentative title) to be published by Baker Academic.
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