I am currently a Professor of Psychology at Seattle Pacific University. I received my Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Notre Dame in 2010, and my B.A. in Psychology from Calvin College in 2004.
Undergraduate courses that I regularly teach include Cross-Cultural Psychology, Counseling Theory & Practice, Topical Seminar in Asian American Psychology, and Advanced Research Methods in Cross-Cultural Psychology. I have experience teaching in both U.S. and Korean higher education settings.
A recent area of scholarly interest is effective pedagogy around cross-cultural themes and topics in psychology, especially from a faith-based perspective. I also have interests in cultural, interpersonal, and individual factors that impact psychological outcomes such as well-being and attitudes toward seeking mental health help. I currently serve in three editorial boards (The Counseling Psychologist, Asian American Journal of Psychology, and Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology). I am also a regular contributor to the Psychology Today and Christian Scholar’s Review blogs.
I am currently working on a book titled Cross-Cultural Psychology in Christian Perspective (tentative title) to be published by Baker Academic.
Paul Kim CV
University of Notre Dame
Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology (2010)
University of Notre Dame
M.A. in Counseling Psychology (2007)
Calvin College
B.A. in Psychology (with honors 2004)
Academic Appointments
Seattle Pacific University
School of Psychology, Family, and Community
Professor of Psychology (2020 – Present)
Sung Kyun Kwan University (성균관대학교)
International Instructor (Summer 2022)
Seattle Pacific University
School of Psychology, Family, and Community
Associate Professor of Psychology (2015 – 2020)
Seo-gang University (서강대학교)
Visiting Scholar of Psychology (Fall 2016)
Seattle Pacific University
School of Psychology, Family, and Community
Assistant Professor of Psychology (2010 – 2015)
Professional Experiences & Leadership Positions
Author (2022 – Present)
Christ Animated Learning, Christian Scholar’s Review
Contributor (2021 – Present)
Asian American Journal of Psychology
Editorial Board (2021 – Present)
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
Editorial Board (2018 – Present)
The Counseling Psychology
Editorial Board (2017 – Present)
Living Well Initiative: Destigmatizing Mental Illness
Faculty Scholar (2017 – Present)
School of Psychology, Family, and Community
Diversity Advisor (2016 – 2021)
Seattle Pacific University’s Psi Chi Chapter
Faculty Advisor (2014- 2016)
Diversity Committee, Seattle Pacific University
Committee Chair (2013- 2014)
Honors & Awards
Seattle Pacific University
Promising Practices in Remote Online Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)
Seattle Pacific University
Scholar of the Year (2019)
Seattle Pacific University
Excellence in Teaching Award (2016)
School of Psychology, Family & Community
Teacher of Year (2016)
School of Psychology, Family & Community
Teacher of Year and Nominee for the university-wide Teacher of the Year Award (2015)
Asian American Psychological Association Division of Students
Research Award (2009)
American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program / Psychology Summer Institute
Fellow (2009)
Manuel Teruel Multicultural Competence Essay Contest
First Prize Winner (2009)
Great Lakes Conference
Student Research Award (2006)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
* indicates undergraduate student co-authors
Psychology Teaching Review, 27(2), 36-40
Kim, P.Y.
Posted 2021
Strategies for teaching White students about racism during a study abroad course.
Journal of Psychology & Christianity, 40(3), 173-184
*Law, J. P., *Geil, D., *Bau, K. E., *Grigg, M. R., & Kim, P. Y.
Posted 2021
Biracial Asian Americans’ mental health on a Christian college campus: A preliminary report on the role of racial-ethnic identities and racial invalidation.
Psychology Teaching Review, 26(2), 5-11
Kim, P. Y.
Posted 2020
Teaching Korean cultural constructs to American students: Examples from a South Korea study abroad course.
Peer-Reviewed International / National / Regional Conference Presentations
* indicates student co-authors
** indicates equal contribution by the authors
2022 CCCU Best Practices in Christian Higher Education Conference – Abilene, TX
Shea, M., Kim, P. Y., & Jin, J.
Paper presented: (2022, September)
Promoting academic resilience among racially minoritized students through an inclusive ethics of care and belonging.
2022 American Psychological Association Convention – Minneapolis, MN
Second place for Div. 52/International Psychology Student-First-Authored Poster Contest
Jang, S., Ryu, J., Yon, K. J., Kim, P. Y., & Kim, M. S.
Poster presented: (2022, August)
Effects of perceived marginalization on mental health of young adults with migration background.
2022 Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention – Portland, OR
Kim, P. Y., & Yon, K. J.
Paper presented: (2022, April)
Cultural correlates of self-stigma of seeking psychological help among South Korean college students. In E. Mateer (Chair), What will they think of me? Self-stigma among Asians and Asian Americans.
2021 Korean Counseling Psychological Association Conference – Virtual
Kim, P. Y.
Paper presented: (2021, October)
Ethnical and racial invalidations: Implications for mental health. In Choi, B.O. (Chair) 소외와 배제를 넘어선 다양성에 대한 이해와 사회정의 상담 : 이주 배경 구성원에 대한이해. (Diversity beyond alienation and exclusion, and social justice counseling: Understanding the experiences of multicultural individuals.)
2021 Reckoning and Reimaging Lilly Conference (hosted by Azusa Pacific University) – Virtual
Jin J., Shea, M., & Kim, P. Y.
Panel presented: (2021, May)
Co-creating a caring community through an inclusive ethics of care.
2021 Western Psychological Association (WPA) Virtual Convention – Virtual
Kim, P. Y., & Tausen, B. M.
Paper presented: ((2021, April)
Examining White students’ empathy of Asians and Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In P. Y. Kim (Chair), #hateisavirus: Asian and Asian American college students’ experiences of racism during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2019 CCCU Diversity Conference – Newberg, OR
Tangenberg, K., & Kim, P. Y.
Session presented: (2019, October)
Diversity Committee strategies and goal alignment: examples from a School of Psychology.
2019 American Psychological Association Convention – Chicago, IL
Kim, P. Y., & Kendall, D. L.
Poster presented: (2019, August)
Developing a measure of racial microaggressions experienced on Christian campuses.
2019 American Psychological Association Convention – Chicago, IL
First Place for Div. 52/International Psychology Early Career Psychologist-First-Authored Poster Contest
Yon, K. J., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2019, August)
Stigma, loss of face, and help-seeking attitudes among South Korean collect students.
2019 Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention – Pasadena, CA
**Kim, P. Y., & Lee, D. H.
Paper presented: (2019, April)
Acculturation gap and psychological correlates: The experiences of pastors working in Korean American churches.
2019 Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention – Pasadena, CA
*Blesoch, J., *Moeng, M., *Law, J., *Ryu, S. H., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2019, April)
Religiosity and ethnic identity among Pacific Islanders: A qualitative inquiry.
2019 Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention – Pasadena, CA
Nguyen, K. K., Weeks, C., Shea, M., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2019, April)
Why don’t they seek counseling? Identifying six barriers to mental health help-seeking among college students.
2019 Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention – Pasadena, CA
Nguyen, K. K., Kim, P. Y., & Shea, M.
Poster presented: (2019, April)
Correlates of professional help-seeking attitudes: Comparison of Korean and Korean American college students.
2018 Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention – Portland, OR
Kim, P.Y., & Yon, K. J.
Paper presented: (2018, April)
Cultural and structural barriers to professional help-seeking among Korean college students. In M.Shea (Chair), Examining cultural and structural barriers to seeking psychological counseling: Three studies across six countries.
2018 Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention – Portland, OR
Honorable Mention for Div. 52/International Psychology Student-First-Authored Poster Student Content
*Moh, S., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2018, April)
International student in a faith-based institution: An intra/interpersonal spiritual framework.
2017 Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) Convention – Las Vegas, NV
Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2017, October)
Revisiting and extending the role of religious coping in the racism-mental health relation among Christian Asian American students.
2017 Western Psychological Association Convention (WPA) – Sacramento, CA
Yon, K. J., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2017, April)
Preliminary findings from the professional help-seeking attitudes of Korean and Korean American students study.
2016 Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention – Long Beach, CA
Kim, P. Y., *Taylor, C., Kendall, D. L., & Cheon, H.
Poster presented: (2016, April)
Racial microaggressions, cultural mistrust, and well-being among Asian American college students.
2015 Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) Convention -Toronto, Canada
Kim, P. Y., Kendall, D. L., & Chang, E. S.
Poster presented: (2015, August)
Subtle racism, interpersonal shame, and help-seeking attitudes among Asian American college students.
2015 American Psychological Association (APA) Convention – Toronto, Canada
Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2015, August)
Religious support mediates the relation between racial microaggressions and psychological well-being.
2015 Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention – Las Vegas, NV
Kim, P. Y., Cheon, H., & Hyun, J.
Poster presented: (2015, April)
Psychosociocultural-spiritual experiences of Korean missionary “kids”: A qualitative study.
2015 National Multicultural Conference and Summit (NMCS) – Atlanta, GA
Chang, E. S., Cheon, H., Hyun, J., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2015, January)
Korean American religious leaders’ views on mental health issues impacting the Korean American community: A qualitative study.
2015 National Multicultural Conference and Summit (NMCS) – Atlanta, GA
Kim, P. Y., & Kendall, D. L.
Poster presented: (2015, January)
The moderating role of religious coping on the racism-mental health link among Asian American college students.
2014 Western Psychological Association (WPA) Convention – Portland, OR
Kim, P. Y., Kendall, D. L., *Stutts, K., & *Teel, C.
Poster presented: (2014, April)
Testing a moderated mediation model of Asian American help-seeking attitudes.
2013 Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) Convention – Honolulu, HI.
Kim, P. Y., *Stutts, K., & *Teel, C.
Poster presented: (2013, August)
Emotional self-control, loss of face, etiology beliefs, and willingness to see a counselor among Asian American college students: A test of a multiple mediation model.
2013 National Multicultural Conference and Summit (NMCS) – Houston, TX
Kim, P. Y., Lee, D. H., *Botz, K., & *Park, Y. J.
Poster presented: (2013, January)
The role of intrapersonal and interpersonal cultural values on help-seeking attitudes of Asian American college students.
2012 Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) Conference – Spokane, WA
Kim, P. Y., & Lee, D. H.
Paper presented: (2012, June)
The model minority myth and its impact on help-seeking attitudes among Asian Americans.
2011 Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) Convention – Washington, D.C
Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2011, August)
The moderating role of social support among Asian international students: a test of the matching hypothesis.
2010 American Psychological Association (APA) Convention – San Diego, CA
Park, I. J. K., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2010, August)
Testing mediation models of anger regulation among Korean American adolescents.
2009 Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) Conference – Toronto, Canada
Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2009, August)
International students’ acculturation: An etic-emic perspective.
2009 National Multicultural Conference and Summit (NMCS) – New Orleans, LA
Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2009, January)
International students’ social support: An etic-emic perspective.
American Psychological Association (APA) Convention – Boston, MA
Kim, P. Y., & Park, I. J. K.
Paper presented: (2008, August)
Social norms and help-seeking attitudes among Asian American college students.
116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA) – Boston, MA
Park, I. J. K., & Kim, P. Y.
Paper presented: (2008, August)
Sociocultural predictors of stigma among Korean American students. In I.J.K. Park (Chair), New Directions in Stigma Research for Asian American Communities.
2008 International Counseling Psychology Conference – Chicago, IL
Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2008, March)
Experiences of international Korean youths studying in America.
2006 American Psychological Association Convention (APA) – New Orleans, LA
Kim, P. Y., Kim, I. J., Bethea, K., & Wingo, J.
Poster presented: (2006, August)
Acculturation and attitudes towards mental illness among Korean American students.
2006 Great Lakes Conference – West Lafayette, IN
Kim, P. Y., & Kim, I. J.
Poster presented: (2006, April)
Indigenous values and behaviors as predictors of attitudes toward mental illness among Korean American students.
113th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA) – Washington, DC
Kim, I. J., Kim, P. Y., Bethea, K., & Cho, J.
Poster presented: (2005, August)
Sociocultural beliefs about mental illness among Korean/Korean American students.
2005 National Multicultural Conference and Summit (NMCS) – Hollywood, CA
Kim, I. J., Kim, P. Y., Bethea, K., & Cho, J.
Poster presented: (2005, January)
Sociocultural influences on attitudes towards mental illness among Korean students.
2004 Michigan Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference – Kalamazoo, Michigan
Kim, P. Y.
Paper presented: (2004, April)
A cross-cultural study of outcome attribution in counseling
National Research Foundation of Korea Grant ($250,000) – 2020
Role: Co-Investigator
PI: Min Sun Kim, Ph.D. (Dankook University)
Program: Social Sciences Division
Project: Entering adulthood and improving the quality of life of immigrant youths
Spiritual and Educational Resources for Vocational Exploration Grant ($3445) – 2020
Source: Faculty Life Office at Seattle Pacific University
Project: Teaching Korean cultural constructs during a study abroad course
Seed Grant ($1500 awarded to SPFC Diversity Committee) – 2018
Source: Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Project: Funding to support SPFC’s departmental readiness evaluation
Academic Innovation Grant ($2500) – 2017
Source: Institute for Academic Innovation/Center for Scholarship and Faculty
Development/Seattle Pacific University
Project: A study to better the academic experiences of students of color enrolled in the School of Psychology, Family, and Community.
Faculty Research and Scholarship Grant ($5200) – 2017
Source: Center for Scholarship and Faculty Development/Seattle Pacific University
Project: A study on developing and validating a measure of racial microaggressions experienced on Christian campuses.
Faculty Research and Scholarship Grant ($3600) – 2016
Source: Center for Scholarship and Faculty Development/Seattle Pacific University
Project: A cross-cultural, quantitative study on individual, interpersonal, and cultural correlates of help-seeking attitudes.
Faculty Research Grant ($1950.00) – 2015
Source: School of Psychology, Family, and Community/Seattle Pacific University
Project: An empirical study on microaggressions, religiosity, and psychological outcomes.
Faculty Research Grant ($5752.50) – 2014
Source: Center for Scholarship and Faculty Development/Seattle Pacific University
Project: A qualitative study on the psychological experiences of Korean missionary “kids.”
Faculty Research Grant ($1345.00) – 2014
Source: School of Psychology, Family, and Community/Seattle Pacific University
Project: Two empirical studies on the role of forgiveness in the racism-mental health link
Faculty Research Grant ($1345.00) – 2013
Source: School of Psychology, Family, and Community/Seattle Pacific University
Project: An empirical study on the role of religious coping in the racism-mental health link among Asian Americans
Faculty Research Grant ($1832.75) – 2012
Source: School of Psychology, Family, and Community/Seattle Pacific University
Project: An empirical study on facilitators and barriers of Asian American help-seeking.
Faculty Research Grant ($800.00)- 2011
Source: School of Psychology, Family, and Community/Seattle Pacific University
Project: An empirical study on the model minority myth and its influence on help-seeking attitudes.
Graduate Student Professional Development Grant ($438.85) – 2009
Source: Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts/University of Notre Dame
Project: Professional grant to support a conference presentation.
Graduate Student Professional Development Grant ($1693.14) – 2008
Source: Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts/University of Notre Dame
Project: An empirical study on international student adjustment.
Student Travel Grant – 2006
Source: Science Directorate/American Psychological Association
Project: Student Travel Grant to support a conference presentation.
Gordon Conference Presentation Grant – 2005, 2006 & 2008
Source: Graduate Student Union/University of Notre Dame
Project: Conference Presentation Grant to support conference presentations.
Teaching Experience
All are undergraduate classes unless otherwise indicated;
* indicates courses also taught online;
** indicates active learning classroom;
(numbers) indicate approximate class size
Specialty courses
Cross-Cultural Psychology*
2010 – Present
Advanced Research Methods in Cross-Cultural Psychology* (15)
2015 – Present
Topical Seminar in Asian American Psychology (10)
2011 – 2012
Introductory courses
General Psychology** (35-200)
2010- 2016
Introduction to Statistics in Behavioral & Social Sciences** (25)
2010 – 2014
Clinical courses
Abnormal Psychology (6-70)
2010 – 2016
Counseling Theory & Practice* (30)
2013 – Present
Cultural Competence in Clinical Psychology (doctoral course; 10)
Other teaching experience
Taught Cross-Cultural Psychology to Study Abroad students in South Korea
2018, 2019
Taught General Psychology to students at Sogang University in Seoul, Korea
Taught General Psychology to international students at ACE Language Institute
Teaching Assistantships (all at University of Notre Dame)
Multicultural Psychology (x2)
2008 – 2009
Statistics (x2)
2007 – 2008
Psychology of Personality
Abnormal Psychology
Introductory Psychology
Mentored Student Presentations
* indicates mentored undergraduate students
2022 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Locke, M., *Shakil, E., *Lee, J. H., *Chiangpradit, N., & Kim, P. Y.
Paper presented: (2022)
Beliefs about Jesus’ race and psychological correlates among Asian American college students.
2020 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Bau, K. E., *Grigg, M. R., *Law, J. P., *Ryu, S. H., *Steele, J. M., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2020)
Role of perfectionism, self-compassion, and cultural values on help-seeking attitudes of Asian American college students.
2019 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student
Research Conference – Seattle, WA
Winner of SPFC Diversity Award
*Blesoch, J., *Moeng, M., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2019)
Religiosity and ethnic identity among Pacific Islanders: A qualitative inquiry.
2019 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Law, J., *Lee, J. H., *Bau, E., & Kim, P. Y.
Paper presented: (2019)
Acceptability of racial microaggressions in Asian-American college students: Religious and cultural variables.
2018 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Moh, S. P., Kim, P. Y., *Geil, D., & *Ryu, S.
Paper presented: (2018)
International students in a faith-based institution: An intra/interpersonal spiritual framework.
2020 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Bau, K. E., *Grigg, M. R., *Law, J. P., *Ryu, S. H., *Steele, J. M., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2020)
Role of perfectionism, self-compassion, and cultural values on help-seeking attitudes of Asian American college students.
2018 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Geil, D., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2018)
Biracial Asians’ experience of racial invalidation and religious coping: A preliminary report.
2017 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Moh, S. P., *Igama, C., & *Jones, G. D., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2017)
Creating and validating a measure of racial microaggressions in faith-based contexts: some preliminary findings.
2016 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Moh, S. P., *Taylor, C. C., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2016)
Racial microaggressions in faith-based contexts: Creation and validation of a measure.
2016 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Sallee, C., Carpenter, T. P., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2016)
Open-minded religiosity: Investigating the link between religious commitment and cognitive style.
2015 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Lats, T. V.
Paper presented: (2015)
Acculturative family distancing, religious support, and the psychological well-being of young adults in the local Eastern European immigrant community.
2014 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Stutts, K., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2014)
Predictors of body image among Asian American college students.
2013 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Stutts, K., *Teel, C., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2013)
Collectivism and loss of face as correlates of academic help-seeking attitudes among Asian American college students.
2012 School of Psychology, Family, and Community Student Research Conference – Seattle, WA
*Botz, K., *Park, Y. J., Lee, D. H., & Kim, P. Y.
Poster presented: (2012)
The mediating role of Asian cultural values between model minority myth internalization and attitudes toward seeking psychological help among Asian American college students.
Mentored Student Honors Project & Independent Research Studies
* indicates honors project
** indicates independent research study
Savannah Carpenter* (2019-2020)
Using mental imagery to increase intentions to seek psychological help. (2nd reader)
Dalton Geil** (2017-2018)
Biracial Asian’s experience of racial invalidation and religious coping: a preliminary report.
Sarah-Ann Moh** (2017-2018)
International students in a faith-based context: An intra/interpersonal spiritual framework.
Carl Sallee* (2016)
Open-minded religiosity: Investigating the link between religious beliefs and cognitive style, with a case for dependent and moderated relationships. (2nd reader)
Tatyana Lats* (2015)
Acculturative family distancing, religious support, and the psychological well-being of young adults in the local Eastern European immigrant community. (1st reader)
Sarah Peterson* (2014)
Social integration for homeless populations with mental illness. (2nd reader)
Katie Stutts** (2014)
Predictors of body image among Asian American college students.
Cassi Teel** (2014)
Attitudes toward transracial adoption.
Dissertation Committees
Heather Kohlman Olsen
Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Seattle Pacific University (2019)
Exploring the buffering effects of holding behaviors on the negative consequences of workplace discrimination for people of color.
Clotia Robinson
Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Seattle Pacific University (2016)
Dissertation title: Bamboozled and Then Banished: The Effect of Negative Emotions on Organizational Justice Outcomes and Ostracism.
Rebekah Forman
Clinical Psychology, Seattle Pacific University (2012-2013)
Dissertation title: Development and Validation of the Sociocultural Adaptation Self-Efficacy Evaluation.
Nicola Chism
Clinical Psychology, Seattle Pacific University (2012-2013)
Dissertation title: Modeling Effectiveness Outcomes Among Expatriate Professionals Working for Non-Governmental Organizations.
Committee Work / Service
Faculty committees and task forces
- Scholar of the Year Review Committee
- Faculty Retreat Planning Committee
- Faculty Council Representative for School of Psychology, Family, and Community
2018 – 2020
- Faculty Diversity Committee
2011 – 2014
- Global Initiative Task Force
2014 – 2016
- Faculty Council
Search committees
- University Chaplain
2017 – 2018
- Chair for Marriage and Family Therapy
- Dean of School of Psychology, Family, and Community
2015 – 2016
Working groups
- Provost-initiated team of faculty, staff, and students to brainstorm ideas for faculty multicultural training
- Core team to develop strategies and corresponding action steps for objectives of the Seattle Pacific University Strategic Plan relating to global and intercultural competencies.
- “Christian Perspectives on Mental Illness” at Calvin College (sponsored by Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship and Calvin Alumni Association)
2014 – 2015
Other service
- Pre-Professional Health Sciences Program Interview Committee
- Cross-Campus Interview Team to interview faculty candidates across SPU departments.
- Faculty Marshall for SPU undergraduate commencement ceremony
2017 – Present
AD HOC Reviewer
Peer-reviewed journals
- American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
- Asian American Journal of Psychology
- Counseling Psychology Quarterly
- Ethnicity & Health
- International Journal of Psychology
- Journal of Counseling Psychology
- Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse
- Mental Health, Religion, & Culture
- Multicultural Perspectives
Conference presentations
- 2016 Western Psychological Association research presentation proposals
- 2015 APA Convention Division 45 research presentation proposals
Clinical Experience
University of California Riverside Counseling Center
Predoctoral Intern
2009 – 2010
Madison Center – South Bend, Indiana
Practicum Therapist
2007 – 2008
Marital Therapy and Research Clinic – South Bend, Indiana
Practicum Therapist
Outpatient Services, Oaklawn Psychiatric Center – Goshen, Indiana
Practicum Therapist
2006 – 2007
University Counseling Center – Notre Dame, Indiana
Practicum Therapist
2005 – 2006
Professional Memberships
American Psychological Association
Divisions: Society for the Teaching of Psychology, Society of Counseling Psychology, Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues, International Psychology
Asian American Psychological Association
American Counseling Association
Division: Multicultural Counseling & Development
Western Psychological Association
Other Educational Experience
Beijing Institute of Technology
Exchange Program – Fall 2002
Beijing, China
Faith Academy
High School Diploma – May 2000
Manila, Philippines
Second Language Skills
Level: Proficient