Nunchi as a Countercultural Posture: How the Korean Construct Helps Me Support Students
If one were to rely on nunchi in the Western setting, it might be described as a countercultural act or posture, given that our societal tendency is to value low-context communication (“Say what you mean, and mean what you say”). I find myself elevating low-context communication with students more often than not, including when offering my assistance or support; I tell them, “If you are going through something difficult, it is important that you communicate with me clearly and promptly so that I can help you.” I would dare say that this type of faculty messaging is something that we in Christian higher education are socialized to deliver to students. In doing so, we convey the message that this Christian learning community deeply cares about students, but that students must to do their part in getting the help.
Nunchi as a Countercultural Posture: How the Korean Construct Helps Me Support Students Read More »